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 COVID-19 (Safety)

Safety measures to be followed by construction companies during COVID-19

Health safety has always been a big challenge for a construction company. Construction companies mainly focus on the physical health of their workers, as there’s a lot of heavy lifting, working at a great height and using potential tools day by day. As Covid-19 has become very serious till the date, it is very necessary to follow some tips and health measures in construction sites, as construction sites include many people.

As per the Health ministry and government have advised construction site to follow additional safety measures during this time:

  1. Covering face in the workplace.
  2. Using hand sanitizer. 
  3. Screening at the visitors and employees.
  4. Avoid sharing the tools, machines and equipment with the co-workers.
  5. Increase the level of cleanliness in the workplace.
  6. Marking out the floor where the worker should stand or be in a queue to maintain physical distancing.
  7. To set a meeting virtually.
  8. Avoid gathering more than 10 people in a place.
  9. Employees are encouraged to minimize ride-sharing. While in vehicles, employees must ensure adequate ventilation.
  10.  When drinking common water, employees should use individual water bottles.